Our Services
Revitalize. Reclaim. Reconnect
Wellness Festival
The STAR of our show is AGINIHOTRA HOMA Therapy. The Intergalactic sacred communication and fire purification eliminates harmful radiation. Agnihhotra cleanse our air, nourish our waters, fertilize our soil, and create a Nu environment.
Community Ascension Tours
We are taking our place as inheritors and protectors of our Earth. Pangea, Gaia, Nchi, Mama Eartha are some of the many names she is called. She is the maker and shaper of us all. We’re here to know who we are, and our value to Mama Earth. Nu stories to be told. Nu highways and nu roads to unfold. We are driving now. We got control. Reclaiming our legacy and destiny.
Earth Day 2024
We are remembering who we are and why we are here. AGNIHOTRA makes it easy to revitalize our atmosphere. Anyone can do Agnihotra from the comfort of their home. We are redeveloping, reconnecting, and recommitting. Come to the pyramid to unite our hearts, bodies, and minds.